Raised so far
- About
We are looking for people, groups, companies and individuals to take the challenge!!!!!!!
Are you brave enough when was the last time you did something for the first time????????
Fundraising can be good fun and gives you a great feeling to know that you are helping to build a legacy and secure Kids In Actions future for thousands of children and adults to come.
Fundraising can also be a good way for groups of people to get together to have fun while raising money for such a good cause. Some companies use these types of challenge as a team building exercise.
There are lots of ways to raise money. Here are just a few ideas to get you thinking as no doubt you will have some of your own ideas too:-
- Coffee morning, cake sale
- Quiz night, raffle, collection pots
- Car boot sale, fete, family fun day
- Sponsored run, walk a mile for KIA, bike ride
- Sky dive, absailing, head shave, leg wax
- Dress down at work, school mufti day, bring your pet to work
- Hold an event eg disco, themed nights, auction
- Football, cricket, darts tournaments etc
- Join in some of our events throughout the year which raise money
Is there anything crazy ideas you would like to do? Maybe we can help you to tick it off your bucket list!!!!
Please let us know and we will be happy to hear your ideas and advertise them on all forms of social media, join us on Facebook, Twitter, What's App and keep up to date with all the fun and interesting things that people are doing.
If we could get 650 people to take the challenge each raising a £1000 we would have hit our target with lots of people having lots of fun helping us to help them and achieving our dream.
Disney makes dreams come true why can't we!!!!!!
Let the legacy begin..................